Takaful Blog

Our blog is a platform to raise awareness about the rights of children, promote their well-being and showcase ways to help improve their lives.

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We’re saving the lives of underprivileged children by providing for them the most essentials for any person. You can help us make the change. Help children live their childhood and build a bright future.

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  • $0.00 Raised
    of $22,500.00

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  • $10.00 Raised
    of $24,500.00

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  • $0.00 Raised
    of $6,000.00

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  • $150.00 Raised
    of $19,500.00

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    of $60,000.00

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    of $100,000.00

Donate for a good cause!

  • $0.00 Raised
    of $22,500.00

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  • $0.00 Raised
    of $270,000.00

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  • $60.00 Raised
    of $20,900.00