Develop Their Skills and Talent

Raed Program

Support our future by providing children the chance to explore their genius.

The Raed Program Appeal works to complete the education of young minds without facing the harshness of the global economy.

How Our Skill and Talent Development Services Work

In our Raed Program, we work with children with hidden talents and exceptional abilities. We teach them practical skills, and give them art classes, technological training, and more.

With our skill and talent development classes, we also raise awareness for parents, caregivers, teachers, and educators for bringing up ambitious and capable children.

Raed Program Benefits

Teaching Practical Skills

Raising Awareness for Caregivers and Teachers

Building Children’s Capabilities and Ambition

Raed Appeals

In our Raed program, we have multiple appeals to raise skilled children. Every time you contribute to any of them, you create a space of ambition for a child in need.

Talent Journey Appeal

A safe haven for creative individuals to express themselves and their passions.
Read more about Talent Journey Appeal.

Mental Arithmetic Appeal

Brain capacity enhancement, and intelligence boost for brilliant children.
Read more about Mental Arithmetic Appeal.

Our Impact

We create the chance for underprivileged children to grow their skills and develop their talents to later become economically independent and break the cycle of poverty in their family.

We empower the youth to have the confidence to change their lives.


Children Sponsored


Children getting continuous educational aid


Creative children being supported

Our Other Programs

Kareem Program

340,161 Beneficiaries

Hanan Program

46,060 Beneficiaries

Noor Program

14,456 Beneficiaries

Making a Change Is Easy

We’re saving the lives of underprivileged children by providing the essentials they need.

Help us make the change.

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  • $0.00 Raised
    of $22,500.00

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  • $10.00 Raised
    of $24,500.00

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  • $0.00 Raised
    of $6,000.00

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  • $150.00 Raised
    of $19,500.00

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  • $0.00 Raised
    of $60,000.00

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    of $100,000.00

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  • $0.00 Raised
    of $22,500.00

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  • $0.00 Raised
    of $270,000.00

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  • $60.00 Raised
    of $20,900.00