Adha Appeal

Offering underprivileged people in Lebanon meat and gifts in the blessed Adha Eid.

More About the Adha Project

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Appeal Objectives

Improving Nutrition

Providing meat and other nutritional basics the crises has deprived families of

Uplifting Safety and Security

Empowering these underprivileged individuals by knowing the community cares for them

Spreading Joy

Instilling joy and happiness in the hearts of orphans and underprivileged families

How Your Contribution Helps

1 Sheep or Goat = 1 Qurbani

Your donation will be used to purchase sacrificial meat (Udhiyah), which will be distributed among impoverished families.

1 Cow = 7 Qurbani

Contributing towards Qurbani will allow us to provide essential food supplies to families, supplementing their dietary needs.


Donations towards food and gifts will help us provide clothes and gifts to orphans and children in need.

Appeal Gallery

Children Stories

My children and I have not eaten meat for two or three years. I am afraid to pass by the meat market, or my children crave it, and I cannot afford it.” Youssef’s mother said. For almost 3 years now, her family has been deprived of the basic necessities of life.

During the Eid al-Adha appeal, were able to provide meat to thousands of families, including Youssef’s family. The family expressed their joy with tears of gratitude for this much-needed support.


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Make An Impact!

We’re saving the lives of underprivileged children by providing the essentials they need.
Help us make the change.

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