Mental Arithmetics Appeal

Brain capacity enhancement, and intelligence boost for brilliant children who lack the means to explore their abilities.

More About the Mental Arithmetics Appeal


Our Mental Arithmetic appeal aims to develop children’s brain capacity.

Our program trains children to find creative methods to solve mathematical which boosts their confidence in their knowledge and abilities.

Appeal Objectives

Improve Mental Abilities

Enhancing children’s cognitive abilities through mental arithmetic training.

Build Self-Confidence

Boosting children’s self-esteem and confidence through skill development.

Improve Academic Performance

Training children in mental arithmetics and boosting their abilities in scientific subjects.


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Make An Impact!

We’re saving the lives of underprivileged children by providing the essentials they need.
Help us make the change.

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    of $22,500.00

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    of $24,500.00

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    of $6,000.00

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    of $19,500.00

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    of $22,500.00

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    of $270,000.00

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  • $60.00 Raised
    of $20,900.00